Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Cuánto ganan las enfermeras en Estados Unidos
En Estados Unidos, enfermerà a es una de las profesiones mejor pagadas y con mayor demanda de profesionales. Los salarios varà an segà ºn la especialidad, titulacià ³n, lugar de trabajo, aà ±os trabajados e, incluso, lugar de desempeà ±o laboral. Esta este artà culo se informa sobre cuà ¡nto ganan de media las enfermeras en Estados Unidos, segà ºn datos de Medscape, Nurse Salary, PayScale y el Bureau de Estadà sticas Oficiales y teniendo en cuenta las tres grandes categorà as en las que se divide esta profesià ³n: LPN/LVP, tambià ©n conocidas como enfermeras vocacionalesRN, por las siglas en inglà ©s de Enfermeras RegistradasNP, por siglas en inglà ©s de Enfermeras Practicantes Finalmente, se especifican quà © documentos legales son necesarios para trabajar en Estados Unidos y quà © tipos de visa se pueden obtener para trabajar en el campo de la enfermerà a. Cuà ¡nto ganan las LPN/LVP en Estados Unidos Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) son el equivalente de lo que en muchos paà ses hispanohablantes se conoce como auxiliar de enfermerà a. Desde el punto de vista acadà ©mico, los LVN y LPN se caracterizan por no haber cursado estudios universitarios de licenciatura en este rubro, sin embargo, deben pasar el examen de que se conoce como NCLEX-PN para trabajar en cualquiera de los 50 estados de EE.UU., el Distrito de Columbia y los territorios de Guam, Samoa, Marianas e Islas Và rgenes Americanas. De hecho, es posible trabajar como LVP o LPN con sà ³lo cursado la high school ââ¬âlo que en algunos paà ses se llama bachillerato, prepa o liceoââ¬â, y, ademà ¡s, haber completado ciertos cursos tà ©cnicos. Pueden ocuparse de de curar heridas, baà ±ar y dar de comer a los enfermos, poner inyecciones y similares. En la actualidad, el salario medio anual de LVP y de LPN a tiempo completo es de $42.400 brutos, es decir, antes de descontar impuestos. Para los que trabajan a tiempo parcial el pago medio es de $20,30 por hora. Sin embargo, existen grandes diferencias segà ºn el tipo de trabajo que se realiza, conocimientos acadà ©micos adicionales, experiencia, etc. Entre los factores que determinan el salario se encuentra el lugar geogrà ¡fico en el que se trabaja. Asà , los estados en los que LVP y LPN comandan las mejores nà ³minas son Connecticut, Nevada y Alaska, con salarios anuales promedio superiores a $52.000 brutos. En el otro lado de la balanza se encuentran Virginia Occidental, Dakota del Sur y Alabama, donde los salarios son mà ¡s bajos para estos profesionales. Por regià ³n, el à ¡rea no metropolitana donde los salarios son mà ¡s altos en el à ¡rea del sureste de Alaska y el à ¡rea metropolitana con mejor salario es la conformada por San Francisco-San Mateo-Redwood, donde el salario bruto anual medio es de $60.550. En la actualidad hay mà ¡s de 718.000 LVP y LPN trabajando en Estados Unidos, siendo los estados de Texas, California, Nueva York, Florida y Ohio los que emplean un mayor nà ºmero. Salarios de Enfermeras Registradas (RN) en Estados Unidos La mayorà a de las enfermeras en Estados Unidos pertenecen a esta categorà a. Pueden empezar a trabajar con estudios universitarios medios, lo que equivale a un Associateà ´s Degree en USA. Si tienen una licenciatura, (B.S. por sus siglas en inglà ©s)à ganan mà ¡s. En todo caso, para trabajar en Estados Unidos, en cualquiera de los 50 estados, Washington D.C.. y todos sus territorios excepto Puerto Rico, es necesario pasar el examen que se conoce como NCLEX-RN. La isla de Puerto Rico sigue su propio sistema de certificacià ³n, pero los profesionales puertorriqueà ±os que desean trabajar en uno de los 50 estados o en los otros territorios de la Unià ³n necesitan pasar dicho examen. En la actualidad, el salario medio anual bruto de una RN a tiempo completo es de $67.930, mientras que para las RN a tiempo parcial el pago medio por hora es de $32.66. California, Hawaii y Massachussets son los estados en los que los salarios son mà ¡s altos, superando de media los $90.000 anuales brutos. Por otro lado, en Iowa es donde se obtiene el peor salario, siendo la media de $52.540 brutos anuales para RN a tiempo completo. Por à ¡reas, la que comanda los mejores salarios para RN es el à ¡rea conformada por San Josà ©-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, en el estado de California, donde el ingreso bruto anual medio es de $122.990. En cuanto a las especialidades que mà ¡s ganan dentro de la categorà a de RN destacan de anestesias, cuidados crà ticos o Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos y tambià ©n las comadronas certificadas. Pero sin duda la especialidad mejor pagada entre las RN es la de enfermerà a anestesista registrada y certificada (CRNA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Han concluido estudios de maestrà a con especialidad en anestesias y han aprobado un examen de certificacià ³n nacional aunque cada estado puede establecer regulaciones adicionales. Ademà ¡s, en muchos estados pueden trabajar sin estar bajo la supervisià ³n de un mà ©dico anestesista. Pueden hacer una labor muy similar a estos, pero le resultan mà ¡s baratas a los hospitales. Esta es una especialidad conocida por sus altos niveles de estrà ©s y largas horas de trabajo. El salario medio de un profesional CRNA es de $157.000, siendo el punto de entrada $105.000 y siendo el punto mà ¡s alto $242.000 anuales brutos. En Estados Unidos, la distribucià ³n entre hombres y mujeres CRNA es prà ¡cticamente igual, habiendo un poco mà ¡s de varones en total. Es una de las pocas à ¡reas en enfermerà a donde los hombres son tan numerosos. Salario enfermeras especializadas o Nurse Practitioner (NP) Las enfermeras especializadas, conocidas en inglà ©s como Nurse Practitioner o NP, han completado, como mà nimo, estudios de maestrà a en esa especialidad. En algunos estados pueden recetar y trabajar independientemente de un mà ©dico. En la actualidad, el salario medio anual bruto es de $91.540 para las NP a tiempo completo. en el supuesto de trabajar a tiempo parcial, el pago medio bruto por hora se sità ºa en $43,97. Las diferencias de sueldo son grande, dependiendo de la especializacià ³n. Las que mà ¡s cobran son las especialistas en cuidado de recià ©n nacidos, en psiquiatrà a (ARNP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y cuidado de ancianos (AGNP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En este à ºltimo caso, se prima con mà ¡s salario los conocimientos en à ¡mbitos mà ©dicos adicionales como diabetes o cuidados paliativos. Por geografà a, Alaska, Hawaii y Oregà ³n son los estados con los mejores salarios mientras que por à ¡reas, la metropolitana con sueldos mà ¡s altos en San Josà ©-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, en California, y en zona no rural el à ¡rea oriental del estado de Nuevo Mà ©xico. Por otro lado, los estados donde las NP reciben los salarios mà ¡s bajos son Illinois, Virginia Occidental y la ciudad de Washington D.C. Se estima que un total de 105.780 NP ejercen su profesià ³n en la actualidad en Estados Unidos, siendo California, Nueva York, Florida, Texas y Massachusetts los estados con mà ¡s trabajo. Visa para trabajar como enfermera/o a Estados Unidos Para trabajar legalmene en Estados Unidos es necesario tener una situacià ³n migratoria que permita hacerlo. Obviamente, los ciudadanos americanos pueden hacerlo, aunque en el caso de profesiones como la enfermerà a necesitan convalidar sus estudios si los han obtenido en otro paà s. Todos los que no son ciudadanos necesitan uno de estos tres documentos: tarjeta de residencia permanente, siendo và ¡lida la que està ¡ sellada en el pasaporte permiso de trabajo,à que se dan en circunstancias muy concretas Visa de trabajoà que debe patrocinar el empleador En ocasiones, los empleadores estadounidenses pueden animarse a patrocinar una visa de trabajo. Las personas interesadas en explorar esta và a pueden consultar estasà 10 agencias que buscan empresas que patrocinan y acompaà ±an a enfermeras extranjeras en el proceso de validar estudios y aprobar exà ¡menes necesarios para poder trabajar en EU. En el caso de egresados en enfermerà a de nacionalidad mexicana siempre es particularmente de interà ©s consultar el enlace anterior ya que para ellos hay habilitado la visa TN para profesionales y la enfermerà a està ¡ incluida en el listado. Ademà ¡s, todos los extranjeros sin importar nacionalidad pueden intentar buscar un patrocinador de una visa visas H-1B para profesionales. Si bien hay que tener en cuenta que cada aà ±o fiscal el nà ºmero de solicitudes para este tipo de visa supera al cupo disponible, por lo que se acaba determinando quià ©n gana la visa por loterà a. Si bien en este punto es conveniente destacar dos caracterà sticas de la visa H-1B. En primer lugar, las instituciones de investigacià ³n y educativas pueden patrocinar estas visas sin là mite anual en el nà ºmero. Por lo tanto, si se consigue un patrocinar de esta clase, podrà a obtenerse la visa en cualquier momento del aà ±o. En segundo lugar, los chilenos tienen reservado un nà ºmero de visas H-1B que sà ³lo ellos pueden utilizar. Como regla general, la oferta es superior a la demanda por lo que si se obtiene patrocinador y se cumplen todos los requisitos para obtener la visa, no habrà a, en principio, el problema de que se acabaron las visas H-1B para el aà ±o presente. Cuando mayor salario no equivale a mayor nivel de vida. El cobrar mà ¡s no siempre equivale a que se vive mejor ya que en Estados Unidos se pagan impuestos muchas veces mà ¡s altos que en el paà s de origen y ademà ¡s las cosas son mà ¡s caras. Por esta razà ³n esteà comparativoà salarial de 18 profesiones en 8 paà ses teniendo en cuenta diferencias en canasta alimentaria puede resultar de interà ©s para clarificar la situacià ³n. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Lack of Prisons Rehabilitation Programs Essay - 1214 Words
Lack of Rehabilitation in the Prison System Michelle Cyrus COM/156 March 13, 2011 Gregory Downing By the lack of rehabilitation programs in the state and federal prison systems, the chances of convicts releasing and returning back to prison increases rapidly. The lack of rehabilitation is one of the most leading causes to an offenders relapse or to a new crime that will be committed within 3 years from the offenderââ¬â¢s release. A rehabilitation programâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦1,346 less inmates are not receiving substance abuse while incarcerated due to the budget cuts we are receiving. 1.9 % of $7.2 billion is spent on preventing or decreasing substance abuse as well as programming, according to Promises Treatment Centers (2011). Once the offender is released from prison with still no understanding of how to re enter society they resort back to what they know. However, some state and federal facilities are offering rehabilitation programs within the prison systems. Some federal prisons offer GED programs, college classes, and apprenticeships. There are also many of prisons who offer drug classes such as nonresidential drug abuse programs as well as the drug education class, 500 hr residential drug program. Some also offer classes that will get an inmate mentally ready before they release. In the state prisons they offer college classes in some as well as apprenticeships, and a drug class. What I have seen is that federal prisons are still offering a good bit of programs threw the poor economy while the state is cutting programs from left to right. I witnessed this statistic in person January 2010,21 inmates at Greenville Federal Prison Camp completed a 500-hr residential treatment program out of 21 inmates who was released in the same three days only one has returned back to prison to this exact day. However the first three years out for anShow MoreRelatedShould Prisons Rehabilitate The Real World?869 Words à |à 4 PagesSpeech Rough Draft Title: Getting Prepared to Re-enter the Real World Topic: Should Prisons Rehabilitate General Purpose: To change thinking Specific Purpose: To persuade my listeners to consider that rehabilitation would be beneficial to prisoners. Pattern of Organization: Problem-Solution Central Idea/Thesis Statement: Prisons should offer more programs to prisoners so that when they get out in society they can readapt to the real worldRead MoreThe Failure Of The Modern Prison : Understanding The Politicization Of A Total Institution Essay1538 Words à |à 7 Pages The Failure of the Modern Prison: Understanding the Politicization of a Total Institution Juan Valdes UTPB Dr. Joanna Hadjicostandi Sociology 1301 Fall Semester Are prisons effective total institutions or do they more commonly fail in their goal of resocialization? 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The term rehabilitation is defined as a way to help somebodyRead MoreJails, Prisons and Community Based Corrections1210 Words à |à 5 PagesJails, Prisons and Community based Corrections Anthony Canez CJA/204 June 27, 2013 Robin Downey Jails, Prisons and Community based Corrections In this essay I will attempt to explain and discuss probation and how it compares to other forms of sentencing, the types of prison, the origins of rehabilitation in prisons, parole and how it differs from mandatory release and finally options of community corrections. Ending the essay will be a critique on the current rehabilitation options. The historyRead More Prisoners Normative Reintegration into Society Essay1693 Words à |à 7 Pagesreturning to normative lives in society (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2008). Prison aims to serve retribution, incapacitate, deter, and rehabilitate offenders, but much of the research on recidivism rates criticize the idea that ââ¬Å"prison worksâ⬠(Dhami, 2006). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Creative Writing GILF - 1672 Words
GILF When the weather turned, no one spoke to Anne about anything other than the weather; the same conversation, all day, every day until the sun returned. Glancing occasionally through the bakery window she saw the rain fall like strings of mercury, exploding into black droplets onto the pavement outside. Little drops of gloom, drops of gloom that keep us alive, that others in more remote corners of the globe tempt with elaborate dance. Anne had seen them on the Discovery channel pounding their leathered feet on the scorched, cracked earth and shaking their rain sticks at the sun and sky. With no breeze to carry the weight of a prayer their cries fall, shattered, parched and trampled underfoot. If the rain did show up the locals dancedâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦On sunny days the world, Anneââ¬â¢s world seemed brighter, people were happier and if ââ¬Ëanything positiveââ¬â¢ had plans, ââ¬Ëanything positiveââ¬â¢ would turn up on a sunny day with a spring in his stride an d a tuneful whistle on his lips. Why ââ¬Ëanything positiveââ¬â¢ was Masculine Anne didnââ¬â¢t know, Masculine, ââ¬Ëmenââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëmanââ¬â¢, no she had one of those before and heââ¬â¢d died a terrible statistic, what a way to go. Even so, despite his untimely demise Anne was, she had to admit, glad to see the back of him, idle bastard that he was. On sunny days Old women spoke about ââ¬ËMrs Whatshernameââ¬â¢ and her immoral habits, support tights, supper and the grand kids. Young mothers stressed about new teeth, tantrums, potty training and finding the right school whereas old men just talked about themselves. Something happened to men of a certain age Anne noticed, they completely gave up on the rest of humanity, rather they became insular and self obsessed. Nothing new is any good, itââ¬â¢s all bollocks, the internet is Satan, nothing is ever made like it used to be and kids are in need of a bloody good war. Rather than dwell on the state of the world they shut out everything else but themselves, become blinkered and bitter. Their wives, if they still have them, become ghosts long before their time, shadow people that leave food on the table and wash their husbandââ¬â¢s socks while husband spends his time pottering! Pottering never actually achieved anything in Anneââ¬â¢s book,
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Hindu Dharma free essay sample
There is a law governing the behaviour of everything in this universe. All must submit to it for the world to function properly. Otherwise things will go awry and end up in chaos. It is the will of the Lord that all his creation, all his creatures, should live in happiness. That is why he has ordained a dharma, a law, for each one of them. It is compliance with this dharma that ensures all-round harmony. While Isvara protects his children from rain and sun, he also provides them, when needed, with the warmth of the gentle sun. His love for his children is expressed in the schema ordered by him for the functioning of Nature and the law he has laid down for trees is a part of it. There is something that somehow turns people all over the world towards dharma. It is this something that inspires human beings everywhere to go beyond their material needs and do things that appear strange. How? One man reads the Bible, cross in hand; another smears ashes all over his body; and a third man wears the Vaisnava mark. From generation to generation mankind has been practicing such customs even without deriving any perceptible material benefit. What is the reason for this? Man first earned the means for his daily upkeep. But he soon discovered that meeting the needs of the present would not be enough. So he tried to earn more and save for his needs also. The question, however, arose as to what precisely constituted his future. As he reflected on it, it became clear that his future on this earth would be endless, that he would not live a thousand years or ten thousand. So he concerned himself with earning enough to see him through his life and at the same time leaving enough for his children. You must look upon the world as belonging to the Lord, and it is your duty to so conduct yourself as to conform yourself to this belief. This constitutes the dharma of humanity. Acts dictated solely by selfish interests will push one into unrighteousness. A man must learn to be less and less selfish in his thoughts and actions; he must always remember the Lord and must ever be conscious that he is the master of all this world. This vie w is the basis on which all religions have evolved. No religion teaches us to live according to our whims and fancies; no religion asks us to acquire wealth and property for our personal needs alone. If a man believes that he alone is important, that he is all, he will live only for himself. That is why all religions speak of an entity called God and teach man to efface his ego or I-feeling. Child, they tell him , you are nothing before that Power, the author of this universe. It is he that Power who has endowed you with intelligence. Your intelligence, your intellect, must guide you on the path of dharma, righteousness. For this purpose, you must look up to this Power for support. The great importance attached to bhakti or devotion in all religions is founded on this belief, the need for divine support for virtuous conduct. Ordinarily, it is not easy to develop faith in, or devotion to, God expressed in abstract terms. For the common people devotion must take the form of practical steps. That is how ritual originated. Sandhyavandana, the namaz and other forms of prayer are examples of such ritual. The religious teach people their duties, how they must conduct themselves to God in the very midst of their worldly life. Love everyone. Live a life of sacrifice. Serve mankind. Such are the teachings of the various religions. If a man lives according to these tenets, it is believed that his soul will reach God after it departs from his body. Those who subscribe to Advaita or non-dualism declare that the soul will become one with the Godhead. According to another system of belief, after reaching the Lo rd, the soul will serve him and ever remain happy as the recipient of his compassion. There is no need to quarrel over the nature of the final state. By following one path or another we attain the Lord. And that will be the end of all our sorrows, all our frustrations and all our failures in this world. There will now be nothing but bliss, full and everlasting. No more than this do we need to know for the present. If the Paramatman is to draw us unto himself we must, without fail, perform our duties to him as well as to the world. It is these duties that constitute what is called dharma. Again, it is dharma that serves us when we dwell in our body and when we cease to dwell in it. It serves us in life and afterlife. When we are in this world we must do that which would take us to a desirable state after we depart from it. We take an insurance policy so that our relatives will be able to take care of themselves when we are gone. But is it not far more important to ensure that we will be happy in our after life? Dharma is after life insurance. But in this life too it is dharma that gives us peace and happiness. There need be no doubt or confusion about the dharma we ought to follow. We are all steeped in the dharma that our, great men have pursued from generation to generation. They have inwardly realized eternal beatitude and we know for certain that they lived without any care, unlike people in our own generation who are always discontented and are embroiled in agitations and demonstrations of all kinds. All we need to do is to follow the dharma that they practiced. If we tried to create a new dharma for ourselves it might mean trouble and all the time we would be torn by doubts as to whether it would bring us good or whether it would give rise to evil. It is best for us to follow the dharma practiced by the great men of the past, the dharma of our forefathers. Great indeed were the misfortunes suffered by Sri Rama during his exile in the forest. To a son going on a long journey the mother gives food to take with him. Kausalya does the same when her son Rama leaves for the forest, but she does so after much thought, for she wants the food to last during all the fourteen years of his exile. And what is that food? Kausalya gives Rama the eternal sustenance of dharma. Raghava, she says to him, it is dharma alone that will protect you, and this dharma is what you yourself protect with courage and steadfastness. It is the escort of dharma that the mother provides her son sent out from his kingdom. Dharma and dharma alone is our protecting shield. How did Ravana with his ten heads perish and how did Sri Ramachandra rise with his head held high as Vijayaraghava (the victorious Raghava)? It was all the doing of dharma. Ones religion is nothing but the dharma practiced by ones forefathers. May all adhere to their dharma with unwavering faith and co urage and be rewarded with everlasting bliss.
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