Thursday, October 24, 2019

Globalization in Russia Essay

Globalization has done a lot to Russia not only in changing the economic parameters but also the social- cultural portfolio of life. Russia enjoys the sovereignty of a high state of integration within the community of the western world. The fight for high changes and maintenance of sovereignty is to maintain its high class phenomenon within its geographical neighborhood. The history of Russia is deeply founded on its Soviet country where the role of great leadership authorities reigned even across the national boundaries. In analyzing the globalization variable in Russia the role of women should not be over looked. As a general analysis however, the expectation of globalizations were not fully met. Long since the country went in such for globalization benefits, various rigidities have left it still lagging behind in the same aspects. Various economic downfalls and dissatisfaction have acted to compromise the adequate state of affairs in this state. (Brierley, 1) Broadly, females are greatly disadvantaged in this state full of political communism. From the UNICEF statistics, however, the women show a close difference with the male population. First the maternal mortality is as low as 32%. This is due to poor ante-natal care protection and poor attendant by skilled personnel during delivery. Only 96% of women are well attended by skilled persons at their delivery. The female mortality rate is around 7% which is a percentage almost equal to that of the male births. However, as the child ages 5 years, this ratio is considerably equal to that of the male children. Generally, Russia has a well proven medical care system. (Stoliaror, 43) Good medication systems make it vulnerable to deaths through ill-health compared to high percentage of the same in African and Asian countries. The female life expectancy has however showed a decreasing trend since 1970, with it being 72 years compared to 59 that of men. Either, the fertility rate in women is approximated to being 1. 4. Effect of globalization stretches its arms to the social autonomies were various social structures have radically changed to capture the changing effects in the national symmetry. At one level, marriage contraceptive prevalence is largely 34% with these varying between the literate and illiterate people. (Balcon, 27) High illiterates are vulnerable to low use of the same. Lower use of contraceptives has led to spread of various sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV whose total population is approximated to being 950,000. The ratio of marriage breakages between men and women is approximated to being 2 is to 3 (2:3) with two men for every three women. Either, teen marriage has been a social factor calling for various analytical consequences. Largely, 31% of the teen have showed in for marriage at their teen age. ( Robinson, 75) Out of this population 57% has been stated as being girls who even drop out of school above the consequences of early pregnancies. Such early marriages have been a big backbone of failed marriage coupled with inabilities to substantiate for family needs and requirements. The total fertility rate is however high as 1. 4. This has been precisely due to high standards of living and adequate medical attention. Education factor occupies a special place in studying the globalization and the social dispensation of Russia. However, the education statistics are high vulnerable and shows an equitable relationship between men and women (males and females). The ratio of adult literacy between men and women is almost equal and shows no much disparity. Statistic shows that, women through literacy have earned themselves a good place in the economic scenario where they have been voted as movers of wide range of governance activities. There is no discrimination between schooling for both sexes and every educational structure is modeled to provide equity and equality between men and women. Either, secondary school enrolment between males and females is equitable with a one to one ratio. The same attendance in the secondary school has also been found to been one is to one. High child education campaign and the good system of education providing equity for both sexes have ensured a high number of equal thresholds between males and females. The place for secondary school teaching has however favored females with the ratio being three is to two (60% for women). However, more men graduate for other occupations. Basically the university enrollment shows a small diversity with equal opportunity been provided for the both sexes. Generally, the level of literacy is subjectively equal with them sharing almost equally the various opportunities allied to education benefits. (Rozanora, 1) The female employment aspect is a critique issue in Russia. Various disparities between male and female employment draws various issues of concern. Broadly, the employment factor for females in Russia depend on critical issue of age, level of education and various social cultural autonomies. The general employment statistics in Russia are defined in terms of the level of professionalism. The major age bracket for women employment is between 20 and 55 years, though extremities below and above this fraction is evident. Any employment below 17 years is taken as child labor abuse. Either, some women population employment above 55 years is evident though few cases are available. Generally, the total women percentage is 43% of the total employment population in the country. Men are advantaged to get the better share of 57%. The female employment also shows a relatively equal ration between self-employed and professionals. Out of the total population of employed women, 54% are professional while the remaining ratio goes for self employment. However, men occupies the majority of the managerial position with around 2. 6% of the employed women population being managers (Fisher, 89) The wage and salary payment is depended on the professionalism and the level of position working for. Indeed, the general wage rate in Russia is substantially adequate which almost augers that of the United Nations and labor laws requirements. The existing state of Russia can be recommended of its high proficiency in factors of equity and equality in its structures. There is seldom equitable distribution of the natural resources between racial groups, sexes, social institutions and political structures. High political renaissance and motivation above the fight for sovereignty on individual rights has brought the absence or very minimal discrimination. (Taylor, 4) All the people founded on sexual disparities, religious orientations, educational indifferences and cultural autonomies above other parity orientations have enjoyed the fruits of equity and equality. The economic systems and structures are relatively distributed equally between the state groups. The political and legal processes have showered an equitable correspondence in providing support for everybody participation in the political interest. The legal system has ensured neutrality between the state groups in terms of education, cultural, religious and geographical orientations. Equity and equality also extends its arms to the marriage structures where a broad length in marriage regularities provides no discrimination to all. Neutrality in the states social structures provides adequate conditions with which people intermingle adequately with one another. (Smith, 47) Either, adequacy in people’s marriage has been provided with every person at his/her wish too choose marriage partner. At the marriage matrimony, equal rights between the couple have been founded on grounds of equity. Both the husband and the wife have equal role to play in the marriage activities. Ideally, globalization has done a lot in providing positive effects on health. The highly developed technology and research activity helps to provide high standards of medication. Generally, Russia is among the global states with high developments in health matters. However, globalization has yielded high standards in matter of health with high technology and medical attention been uncompromised. Health matters runs from household sanitation, drinking clean water, child immunization, malaria treatment, chronic disease treatments, HIV/AIDS statistics above others. (Duffy, 1) However, the general state of health is highly improved. As per the UNICEF statistics of 2006, Russian health variables have been characterized as among that of the developed countries which generally shows high states of health matters. However, HIV/AIDS campaign has below the hallmark of the health investigation, with 950000 million people been affected. Various health structures have been put into place to avoid its spread, through education on mother-child transmissions, use of sexual contraceptives and use of ARV’s above other medication pursuit for the affected people. Globally, Russia extends its arms even to other nations in providing health support. The country has various policies on population control and health support. (Passas, 1) Through its huge campaign it has set various health requirements and high standards for ensuring a controlled health population for its citizens. Various social-cultural inadequacies like literacy and political authorities have been in the fore front to shape the population growth and distribution. Russia defines various emigration policies and foreign citizen ownership. It has high controlled systems of monitoring migration exchange between its people and other nationals. Both emigration and immigration is captured at an outstanding perspective where various rules and regulations are never compromised in the acquisition of citizenry. Such policies streamline at one point to encourage or elsewhere to discourage immigration. This is based on the need for the observation of a high state of security. Any migration policy is also aimed at ensuring possible inadequacies which may have effect on the existing state resources. This is in the recognition of highly/excessive pressure of immigration and unexploited resources on high emigrations. Migration policies stretch its arms on refugees, where various laws have been put to cater for any refugee. They also observe the United Nations standards on their treatment to refugees. The neutrality in terms of laws has provided a high comprehensive observation of human rights. The United Nations Development Program has shown an explicitly adequate standard on the observation of human rights. The state legal process has a profound structure in which it elaborates the process system of the law and regulations defining human rights and freedoms. Either, it has been vulnerable in observing various rights allied to refugees as per the UNHCR regulations. The political system and the court autonomy have ensured a high implication in support for states which provide rationality in ensuring observation of people’s rights and freedoms. Summarily therefore, globalization has done a lot in shaping and determining the state of social structures in Russia. It various influences have helped to foster an improved state of living for both men women. Work cited Balcon, D. Solidarity without Pay in Russia. The Nation, vol. 266, April 27 1998. Brierley, N. Russia: Perceptions and Reality. a Round T able Discussion 13 February 2003 New Statesman, vol. 132, April 7,2003. Duffy, D. An assessment of Health Policy Reform in Russia. Policy Studies Journal, Vol. 25.

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